






Affiliated to National Library of China, National Library Arts Center is located inside the National Library, embracing its elegance and a hint of the academic, with Purple Bamboo Park, a scenic royal garden, to the west, and Zhongguancun, known as “China Silicon Valley”, to the north. Benefited from its unique geographical location, the Arts Center is surrounded by universities and gathered by talents. 

National Library Arts Center is composed of a concert hall, a movie house and a training center, with its construction area reaching over 5,000 square meters. With world-class stage, sound and lighting equipment, the concert hall accommodates more than a thousand people, and meets the performance needs by symphony, drama and dance. Further, the theater is characterized by the beautiful design of the sound environment and the distribution of sound field, which enhances the classic charm of performing art works. In addition, the seats are designed in line with ergonomic principle, which enable the audience to comfortably enjoy performing arts. 

Seen as a business card of National Library of China, National Library Arts Center functions perfectly to reflect the mission of National Library – civilization enrichment and social service. With its advanced facilities and high quality services, National Library Arts Center meets various cultural needs of the public. For years, thanks to its overall advantages and rich culture of National Library of China, with reference to its function of social education, the Arts Center has made all its efforts to build up a modern and elegant palace for arts, organizing many different outstanding classic performances from home and abroad, delivering high quality education on culture and arts, and making arts accessible to the public. As a result, the Arts Center serves its purpose to meet the growing cultural needs of local citizen. 


In the future, guided by the thoughts of cultural communication and arts popularization, led by the concept of brand building and professional management, alongside the road of operation with the unity of both social and economic benefits, the National Library Arts Center will explore a scientific way to develop itself into an ideal stage for art elites to demonstrate their artistic talents, and a life-time classroom for the public to improve their artistic accomplishments.


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